Getting a driver's license in Trinidad is an experience. The school provided us with some information, what to bring, what to study, where to go. The first information we were provided was: No appointment needed Show up at 7am Bring the fee, our passport, visa and bond (the school has to have a bond for foreign hire teachers) Print and fill out the application and "go to the back buildings and let a Licensing Officer know that you want to sit the test. If you are successful, you will be told to go to the front building and go to the Cashier to pay for the permit. Once you have paid you will be told to go to a little room to the left past the front door. You'll have a wait (not sure how long), they will call your name, go into the smaller room and take your photo and get the permit. The whole process can take 1/2 day to a full day. Remember no sleeveless tops, shorts nor sandals. Take something to read and a bottle of water. No, the Licensing Office does not o